
Yogi is a light-weight, open-source programming language that is designed to be simple and easy to use. It is a dynamically-typed language that is interpreted, meaning that the code is executed directly rather than being compiled into machine code. Yogi is focused on simplicity and ease of use, and it is intended to be a good choice for beginners who are learning to program. Some of the key features of Yogi include its simple syntax, and built-in support for working with strings, lists, and dictionaries. It is also design to be modifyable, allowing developers to create their own functions to extend the capabilities of the language.


if      - runs if statement
print   - prints text
while   - while loop
link    - redirects to url
delay   - delay program
command - executes command on local machine        
kill    - breaks loop
unpack  - run subroutine
package - subroutine
else    - runs in if statement

Code Example

package execute_command {
    command "ping www.github.com \n"
    delay 3

unpack execute_command